Monday, July 26, 2010


You become vulnerable and porcelain, and they hold you between their fingers. And my God you are hoping they are holding you tight; because at any moment you might fall and smash into a million little pieces. They might slip up for a second, or maybe they cast you away without a single care. Either way, you end up hurting.
You find your alone; putting yourself together and giving them the benefit of the doubt. You pretend that they lost their grip for a moment. That they didn’t mean to break you. It was just a senseless mistake.
Although; once they let you fall it’s never quite the same. The cracks are constant reminders of the pain that they put you through and probably will continue to.
But you still make excuses for them because all you ever wanted was somebody to hold your hand.

You want to be the first one to walk away; but you just don’t know when to turn your back.

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