Thursday, April 1, 2010



the leaves fell and crumbled beneath our toes like crisps and paper planes.
and you kissed me.

i pretended i couldn't see you from my bedroom window, but i really could.


the winter air was beautiful.
i made snow angels naked and felt my skin turn blue.

you wore a green beanie and black gloves.
i didn't like those gloves because it meant i couldn't hold your hand and feel your warmth.

we sold our innocence to one and other.


the birds sang oprah outside my window,
they sat on the tree you would climb to sneak into my room.

the roses blossomed and glowed of youth.
i picked every petal off the prettiest one.
"he loves me, he loves me not..."


the sun kissed your nose with freckles.
i counted them while you slept. 19.
odd numbers were bad luck.



we made love under the full moon the night before you left.
i waved goodbye.

two old people moved in next door and they smiled and held hands sometimes. 


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